Feels 💩, doesn't it?
When things haven't been going to plan in your business and you feel like you're throwing more and more of yourself at the problem?
When you feel guilty for not spending enough time with your loved ones but you can't slow down for fear of everything collapsing around you?
When you realise that you’re not entirely sure why you’re even doing this anymore?
It's exhausting, it's frustrating, and it's demotivating.
And it happens all the time...
And it happens all the time...
As small business owners, we know that our success is our responsibility – so when things don’t work out the way we want, or at the speed we want, or match the picture we have in our heads, our immediate reaction is to work more and work harder.
It's easy to fall into the trap of long hours, juggling more and more things and putting yourself last.
Before you know it, you're knackered, overwhelmed and have lost the joy of building your business.

If this is you, let me say this here and now: You are NOT failing.
If this is you, let me say this here and now: You are NOT failing.

You've simply made some well-intended but ill-informed choices that have led you to a bit of a dead end.
The great news is that you can choose to get yourself back out. You can choose what success looks like for you. How you want to be working, the results you want to get and how often you enjoy complete quality time with the family.
You can choose to be fulfilled, inspired and make money without sacrificing yourself to your business monsters every minute of every day.
You can choose your own success balance - and I can help you achieve it.
Kerry is one of the most natural and empowering coaches I have worked with. She easily enables people to feel safe and in good hands speaking from experience. I would highly recommend Kerry as a Coach, friend and an all-round professional good egg.
Sally Smith - SAS Training Solutions. Business owner & trainer
Success on your terms
Success on your terms

Book a free clarity callÂ
You can choose to stay stuck and endure another month (or year) feeling the way you do now.
Or you can choose to book a call, un-stick yourself, claim back time, earn money more easily and sleep better.
It's up to you 😉.